Places I Go A1 – Activity 2

Places I Go A1 – Activity 2

Aim of Activity

10 - 15 minutes

Target language reinforcement.

Steps for Students

  1. Click on the link: ACTIVITY 2
  2. ‘Deal’ the cards
  3. Ask someone in your group/class the question ‘Where is she?’
  4. Is the answer correct?
  5. Ask him/her to ‘Shuffle’ the cards and ask the next question.

Face to face class:

  • Tablets can be provided to small groups of 4-6 students
  • or teacher can display the activity on the Interactive Board

Online lesson:

  • The teacher can share her/his screen with the link to the activity or students can play together in breakout rooms.

Click on: ACTIVITY 2

  1. Open the link and deal (or shuffle) the cards.
  2. Ask the students ‘Where is she?’
  3. Elicit the correct answer.
  4. If students need more practice they can play in small groups with each other.



  • Listen for correct pronunciation of target language.
  • Are they using correct question forms?
  • Are they making full sentences. (She is in/at the……….)

Answers vary according to the speaker. Also depending on how the card is shuffled. All correct.
For example:

  • She is at the Drive Thru.
  • She is at a restaurant.
  • She is at Mc Donalds.
  • She is at a take away