Checking understanding of the video and practising vocabulary .
In this activity you will take part in a quiz! The quiz has 4 different topics and 4 different levels. Help your team win!
You will hear from your teacher:
After each question you can have a discussion and some follow-up questions with the class.
Example: After answering a True or False question, ask the students why it is true/false and what they remember about it from the video.
In the game, if you click on the three dots in the bottom right corner, you can set a time limit for answering the questions. To do that, follow these steps:
Answers provided (in the game).
The BOOST Project (Building Open Online Series for Teaching) aims to improve the digital readiness of teachers of English as a foreign language to students aged 8 -14 by providing an open-access series of engaging native-speaker content videos linked with a Resource Pack of ready-made activities to stimulate production of the language in online learning.