Jobs in your Free Time B1

Jobs in your Free Time B1

Key Language:

Jobs: summer job; full-time; part-time; job advertisement; strengths; ideal job; work with people; work with computers; work indoors; look for a job; apply for a job; vet; dog sitter; gain experience


Bella, Tom, and Kelly talk about their summer holiday plans. Bella and Tom want to buy expensive things, so Kelly suggests they look for summer jobs together. They think about what they’re good at and what they like, to find the best job. What are they good at? What kind of job is right for them? Discover what they decide to do!


Jobs in your free time_Transcript

Aim of Activity

30 minutes

To check students’ understanding of the video, sensitise them to the lexical set relating to topic of jobs in free time (focus on collocations), develop speaking skills through extended answers to comprehension questions, enhance their listening skills, and review vocabulary from the video.

Steps for Students

Activity 1a
  1. Remember what you know from the video about Bella, Kelly and Tom. Talk to your partner(s).  
  2. Listen to the questions about Bella, Kelly and Tom and statements on the left about Bella, Kelly and Tom and decide which is true – A, B or C. 
Activity 1b
  1. Remember what you know from the video about Bella, Kelly and Tom. Talk to your partner(s).  
  2. Listen to the questions about Bella, Kelly and Tom and statements on the left about Bella, Kelly and Tom and decide if it’s True/False.  
Activity 1c
  1. Click here to start: Activity 1c or write it on the worksheet
  2. Student work in pairs.
  3. Ask students to remember the vocabulary from the video, read the questions and complete the crossword by writing their answers in the Solution boxes.
  4. Click the blue tick to mark your answers.

Click the links to the individual activities:


You can run the activities in different ways: 

Option 1- Group work/Competition/Jigsaw task 
  1. Divide students into two groups.  
  2. Provide group A with correct answers to Activity 1a. Get the group to do Activity 1a and discuss the answer (encourage peer teaching) 
  3. Provide group B with correct answers to Activity 1b. Get the group to do Activity 1b and discuss the answer (encourage peer teaching) 
  4. Pair students up with a partner from the other group. Ask students to test each other on the comprehension of the video by answering each other’s comprehension questions. Encourage students to discuss answers. Turn the activity into a competition.  


Option 2- Whole class listening task 
  • Run both tasks as a whole class. Alternatively, choose either Activity 1a or 1b to check students’ comprehension.  
  • Activity 1a– don’t reveal the questions, play them instead so students can practise their listening skills. Only show students the multiple-choice options. Play the question at least twice.  
  • Make sure you give students time to discuss the questions in pairs/small groups before you take feedback.  
  • Activity 1b– don’t reveal the questions. Play the audio, turn the task into a listening activity. Get students to correct wrong statements and provide explanations to correct statements. 
Activity 1c – Crossword– Lexis revision & clarification task
  1. Click here to start: Activity 1c or write it on the worksheet
  2. Work in pairs.
  3. Remember the vocabulary from the video, read the questions and complete the crossword by writing your answers in the Solution boxes.
  4. Click the blue tick to mark your answers.

Activity 1a 

  1. Why does Tom want to work during the holidays? 📍To buy a new phone
  2. What are Bella’s strengths?📍She is sociable and reliable
  3. What kind of job does Kelly suggest for Bella? 📍A shop assistant
  4. Why does Tom want to be a dog sitter? 📍He loves animals and has experience taking care of them
  5. What is important to consider when looking for a job?📍Your interests, skills, and values
  6. What is the purpose of this conversation?📍To suggest job opportunities
  7. Why does Kelly suggest a job as a shop assistant for Bella?📍Because Bella is sociable and friendly
  8. What does Tom say about working with computers? 📍He finds it monotonous and boring
  9. What does Bella want to use the money she earns from her job for?📍To buy a new computer
  10. What does Tom say about his experience with animals?📍He has experience looking after pets and has his own dog
  11. What kind of job does Kelly suggest for Tom?📍A job as a dog sitter
  12. What kind of job does Bella end up deciding to apply for?📍A job as a shop assistant


Activity 1b 

  1. Tom and Bella are planning to work during the summer holidays. (True) 
  2. Tom is going on holiday with his family for four weeks. (False) 
  3. Bella wants to buy a new phone. (False) 
  4. Kelly’s parents can afford to buy her a new computer. (False) 
  5. Bella is good at working with computers. (False) 
  6. Bella is fluent in English. (True) 
  7. Bella is not willing to work weekends. (False) 
  8. Tom wants to work as a vet. (True) 
  9. Tom has experience looking after pets. (True) 
  10. Kelly suggests that Tom should work as a dog sitter. (True) 
  11. Bella is not friendly. (False) 
  12. Bella enjoys helping people. (True) 
  13. Tom thinks working with computers is boring. (True) 
  14. Kelly suggests that Bella should work as a shop assistant. (True) 
  15. Tom and Bella are not interested in working part-time. (False) 


Activity 1c 

  1. things you are good at and things you enjoy doing 📍strengths
  2. friendly and willing to work with people 📍sociable
  3. always keeping promises 📍reliable
  4. boring and repetitive 📍monotonous
  5. a job working less than full-time hours 📍part-time
  6. your … experience (another word for ‘past’) 📍previous
  7. into or within a building, not outside 📍indoors
  8. have enough money to pay for 📍afford
  9. ability to work with or talk to people in a friendly way 📍people skills
  10. likes to help people 📍helpful
  11. a doctor for your pet 📍vet
  12. good at computers 📍computer literate.
  13. someone who looks after your dog when you are away 📍dog sitter

Activity attachment

Jobs in your Free Time – Activity 1c (B1)

Aim of Activity

20 minutes

This activity has been designed to help students practise the second conditional in the context of finding a summer job and being a teen entrepreneur. 

Steps for Students

Click the link: Activity 2

You are going to play a game. In small groups, you will need to make If sentences from random clues. You will nominate other students/pairs to answer the question. You need to use your imagination and humour;=) 

This game would best be played as a whole class.  

  1. Click the link: Activity 2
  2. Divide students into groups and explain that students will have to make hypothetical sentences from random clues. 
  3. Demonstrate how to play the game. 

📍Turn it into a competition-the most interesting answer is the winner. Encourage students to be humorous and creative. Remind students that they have to be careful how they use the tenses in ‘If’ statements. 


Aim of Activity

30 minutes

To review and practise the pronunciation of the target language (lexis related to finding a summer job).

Steps for Students

Activity 1 
  1. Click the link: Activity 3a
  2. Tap on each box, listen to the pronunciation and repeat.  
Activity 2 
  1. Click the link: Activity 3b
  2. Watch the video and answer the questions.  
  3. The video will be stopped 10 times for you to answer questions about what you have watched. 
Activity 1 (short drilling task) 
  1. Click the link: Activity 3a
  2. This activity reviews the target language from the animation video. It should first be done in pairs, followed by a whole class feedback.  
  3. Students tap on each box to open and repeat the words as many times as they need to.  


Activity 2 
  1. Click the link: Activity 3b
  2. Ask students what they think is more important when looking for a job- money the job will bring or passion for the job/profession? 
  3. Ask if passion is important for achieving success in life? Why/Why not? 
  4.  Explain that students will be watching a short video about the importance of passion for what we do in life. The video will be stopped 10 times for students to answer questions about what they have watched.  

Allow different answers as long a students can justify them. Leave some room for individual interpretation.  

Aim of Activity

30 minutes

To help students be more aware of issues related to being a teen entrepreneur; develop their listening and speaking skills in the context of being a teen entrepreneur, and further practise the target language in this context.

Steps for Students

Click the link: Activity 4

Watch the video and answer the questions:  

  1. What does Thomas do? How has he become a billionaire?  
  2. What plans does he have for the summer? 
  3. Where did Thomas learn coding?  
  4. What is special and unique about the Incubatorschool? 
  5. Who is Kiowa Kavovit? What is special about her? 
  1. Start by asking students if they have ever considered being a teen entrepreneur. Ask why/why not. Ask what advice they would give to other teens planning to be one.  
  2. Click the link: Activity 4
  3. Play the video and get students to answer the questions.  
  4. Have a whole class discussion about the benefits of being a teen entrepreneur and how difficult it may be to become one.   
  1. Creates and sells apps for smartphones in google glass.
  2. He wants to revolutionise the 3D printing technology.
  3. He is self-taught.
  4. The school is trying to create entrepreneurs starting from age 11.
  5. She is the youngest entrepreneur at the age of 7. 

Aim of Activity

60 minutes

To help students in integrating speaking skills and life competences, including collaboration, teamwork, negotiation and critical thinking, as well as practising and personalising the target language within the context of being a teen entrepreneur, ultimately aiming to develop their presentation skills.

Steps for Students

In small groups, imagine that you are young entrepreneurs.  

Design a product to meet the needs of your classmates and think of how you are going to sell it. 

  1. Interview your classmates and find out what they need to better their life. 
  2. Really listen about any problems your classmates may have. 
  3. After the interview design a prototype of a product to aid your classmate (be as imaginative as you want). 
  4. Present your design to him/her and get feedback. 
  1. Explain that students will now have to imagine they are teen entrepreneurs and they must think up an idea for a successful business. Explain that their business will involve designing and selling a product to meet the needs of their classmates. 
  2. In small groups, students interview their classmates and find out what they need to make their lives more comfortable and better.   
  3. After the interview students design a prototype of a product to aid their classmates (encourage students to be as imaginative as you want). 
  4. Then, (time allowing) students consider how they are going to sell the product they have designed.   
  5. Students can use Canva to prepare their presentations.  
  6. Once ready, groups present their companies.  
