My Journey to School A0

My Journey to School A0

Key Language:

Transport: bus, bike, bicycle, train, motorbike, boat, rickshaw, cart, boat, double decker bus, top floor, driver

There is an international day at school. The pupils are talking about how they get to school in different countries. Three students from England, India and Italy join them online and share their experience. Can you guess who goes by Double-decker? Who do you think usually rides a bike? And do you know what a riskshaw is?
How about you? How do you ususally travel to school?  


My journey to school_Transcript

Aim of Activity

15 minutes

Checking understanding of the video and practising vocabulary.

Steps for Students

  1. Get one Plickers card from your teacher
  2. Use the card to respond to the question you see on the projector by turning it in the correct direction
  3. Wait for your teacher to scan your card
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each question

You’ll need a computer/tablet/mobile phone, internet connection, class projector

  1. Sign up to Plickers app using this link: STEP 1
  2. Create a class and add your students in it: STEP 2
  3. Open the Plickers set which will now appear: STEP 3
  4. Download the Plickers cards and print them: STEP 4
  5. Download the Plickers app to your phone and check how to use it on the link below: STEP 5



  • If the Plickers game is new for you, follow this link to get familiar with the game and here is a Using Plickers in class tutorial.
  • Check the previous links and try playing the Plickers game before using it in your lesson.
  • You must download the Plickers app to your phone because you will need it to scan students’ answers.
  • You must print the cards with different QR codes.
  • Students will use them for answering the questions.
  • It takes a lot of preparation to get familiar with the game but it’s definitely worth it!
  1. she usually goes by double-decker
  2. a bus with 2 floors
  3. Italy
  4. 45 minutes
  5. a rickshaw driver

Aim of Activity

25 minutes

Gaining familiarity with the vocabulary and revising terminology.

Steps for Students

Click the link: ACTIVITY 2

  1. Open the page or scan QR code from the whiteboard.
  2. Click on Join a Game.
  3. Type in the Game ID your teacher shows you on the screen.
  4. Choose your nickname and a character and wait for your teacher to start the game.
  5. Play the tutorial first if the Blooket game is new for you.

You’ll need a computer/tablet/mobile phone, internet connection, class projector

  1. Open the Blooket game by clicking the link: ACTIVITY 2
  2. Sign up with your email or your Google account and click the link above again. This time it will lead you to the My journey to School Blooket game.
  3. Click on host and start the “Café game mode” as a host.
  4. Set the time for 15 minutes and click on Host now. A game ID will appear on the screen.
  5. Let your students join the game using the Game ID given on the Blooket page.
  6. StudACTIVITY 2ents must choose a username and a character.
  7. After all the students join, start the game.
  8. If the game is new for your students, play the tutorial mode first. If the game is new for you as well, try to play it before using it with your students. When you start the game, it will offer you the tutorial mode.


Game system – tutorial:

  • The aim of the game is to collect as much money as possible by serving the customers.
  • In order to restock some food, students must answer the questions focused on practising vocabulary.
  • The one who gets the highest amount of money wins. For better understanding of the game system, play the tutorial first.

Not available

Aim of Activity

20 minutes

Practising creating sentences and questions with adverbs of frequency and question adverbs.

Steps for Students

Click the link: ACTIVITY 3

  1. Spin the wheel and make a sentence using the adverb it lands on. Write it down.
  2. Wait until everyone has their adverb.
  3. When the teacher spins and lands on your adverb, say your sentence aloud.
  4. Listen to your classmates’ sentences.

Students will make simple sentences using verbs from the spinner wheel and adverbs of frequency.  

  1. Open the link with the spinner wheel and project it for your class: ACTIVITY 3
  2. Ask a student to come and spin the wheel to get a verb. He/she should then sit down and think of a sentence using that verb and an adverb of frequency and write it down. Immediately after the first student gets his/her verb, another student should come and spin the wheel. This way all the students get their verbs and then have some time to make a sentence.
  3. When they have finished, the teacher spins the wheel and all the students who have made a sentence with that verb say their sentence aloud. The teacher then eliminates the verb by tapping “eliminate” under the wheel. In this way the verbs are not repeated
  4. Repeat the process until every student has had their turn. 

Not available

Aim of Activity

25 minutes

Developing pronunciation of key language focused on sound phonics /ai/ and /ei/.

Steps for Students

  1. Study the Quizlet flashcard set your teacher gave you.
  2. Study the Quizlet flashcard set your teacher gave you. Focus on pronunciation. 
  3. Click on the flashcard with the picture to flip it. In the top left corner, you can see the sign of speaker. Click on it and listen.
  4. You have 10 minutes to learn the long vowel sounds
  5. You can try different modes under SELF-STUDY ACTIVITY.
  1. Tell your students to study and practise 12 words using the Quizlet flashcard set focussing on the long vowels /ai/ and /ei/. They should focus on the pronunciation by clicking on the card to flip it, then listen to the pronunciation by clicking on the speaker sign.) Different modes under SELF-STUDY ACTIVITY can be chosen. Set the time for 10 minutes.  



To practise vowel sounds and help students to remember the words you can use 2 more activities: 

  1. To help students remember the words, play the MATCHING GAME. Let your students write down the words they see on a piece of paper divided into 2 columns. In one column they should write words with the /ai/ sound, and in the other column words with the /ei/ sound.
  2. After they are done, open the second link with the word GUESSING GAME
  3. Students must guess the word using the clue on the top of the card which includes the word class and the long vowel sound. Their paper from the previous activity will help them with guessing the word. In this activity, they also practise spelling.


Aim of Activity

25 minutes

Engaging creatively with the language and revising the usage of question adverbs.

Steps for Students

  1. Write down the names of the students in your group in your questionnaire. 
  2. Start asking the three questions and writing down the answers. 
  3. When everyone has finished his/her questionnaire, finish the last part together.

Activity 1: Presentation of the “My favourite place” project to help students understand the task

  1. Open the PRESENTATION, ask students the questions on slides 2-21 and let them answer. 
  2. On slides 22 and 23, ask the children to move the pictures next to the sentences. 

Activity 2: “How do you get to school” questionnaire – higher level English.    

  1. Divide the pupils into groups according to the number of pupils (2,3,4 groups, up to 6 pupils in each group). 
  2. Hand out the questionnaires. 
  3. Have the pupils write the names of the children in their group, ask the questions, and write down the answers. Everyone asks everyone in their group the three questions on the questionnaire:  

How do you get to school?  

Who do you go to school with?  

How long does it take you to get to school?  

  1. When they have finished, everyone will do the summary in the second part of the questionnaire for their group and then the teacher will ask each group for their results and the students will write them down. 


QUESTIONNAIRE: to open the questionnaire, click on share (top right) – download  


Activity 2: “How do you get to school” questionnaire – lower-level English. 

If your students’ English is not so good, do the simpler questionnaires. There are two of them. In each, the pupils ask only one question and write down the names of their classmates according to their answers. In the last column they write the total. 


QUESTIONNAIRE 1 – Pupils ask the question HOW DO YOU GET TO SCHOOL? 

QUESTIONNAIRE 2 – Pupils ask the question WHO DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL WITH? 



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