My Worst Holiday Ever B1

My Worst Holiday Ever B1

Key Language:

Holidays + Airports: flight, souvenir, check in, passport, security, luggage, sunscreen, outdoor pool, airport security, delayed, on time, duty free, aisle, window seat, boarding pass, cancelled, inconvenience, baggage claim, depart, board, airline, gate, terminal, passenger.

Violet and her friend Tara have both just come back from a holiday abroad. Tara had an amazing time but Violet had a terrible holiday with lots of problems and bad luck from the start.
What happened to Violet? Why was her holiday the worst holiday ever? And why didn’t she text Tara?


My Worst Holiday Ever_Transcript

Aim of Activity

10 - 15 mins

Follow up activity after watching Animation to check understanding.

Steps for Students

Step 1: Listen to the teacher and look at the pictures: Activity 1

Step 2: Are the sentences true or false?

Step 3: If a sentence is false, what is the correct answer?

  • Click on the link or download the flashcards (see attachment): Activity 1
  • Read following 15 sentences to your students
  • Studentscan say ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’ or  students can stand up if it’s TRUE and sit down if it’s FALSE or students can move left if it’s TRUE and move right if it’s FALSE
  1. Violet lost her flight ticket.
  2. Her family were getting impatient waiting for her to find it.
  3. She found her passport in the secret pocket of her bag.
  4. Security was strict at the airport.
  5. They were waiting at the departure gate for a long time.
  6. Violet was walking around the airport shops as she was bored.
  7. Violet was snoring on the plane.
  8. Violet didn’t disturb the other passengers.
  9. It only rained once on their holiday.
  10. Violet spent most of the time in her hotel room with her little sister.
  11. Violet spent a lot of time texting her friend Tara on her holiday.
  12. Violet’s little sister dropped her phone in the bath.
  13. Violet got her phone repaired.
  14. Violet gave Tara a souvenir from her holiday.
  15. Violet had an amazing holiday.


This activity could be done before the video is played and as a follow up activity.

  1. FALSE – She has lost her passport.
  2. TRUE
  3. TRUE
  4. TRUE
  5. TRUE
  6. TRUE
  7. FALSE – the passengers next to her were snoring.
  8. FALSE – she tripped and fell
  9. FALSE – it rained constantly
  10. TRUE
  11. FALSE – Tara says ‘Why didn’t you text me?’
  12. FALSE – She dropped it down the toilet
  13. FALSE – but she needs to.
  14. FALSE – she left it on the plane.
  15. FALSE – she had the worst holiday ever.

Activity attachment

My Worst Holiday Ever_Flashcards_Activity 1

Aim of Activity

30 mins

To provide students with a controlled practice of past continuous forms.

Steps for Students

  1. Click on this link: Activity 2
  2. Move around the words to make a question about a holiday photo.
  3. Your teacher will show you a holiday photo, please ask the above questions to find out more information.
  4. Share a photo from a memorable holiday and work with a classmate to ask and answer the same questions about your photographs.
  5. Tell another group about your partners photo using the past continuous:
    He/she was visiting …
    He/she was travelling with …
    He/she was staying at …
  1. Click on this link: Activity 2
  2. Share with the class and ask them to unscramble the sentences to make questions:
  • Where were you visiting?
  • Who were you travelling with?
  • Where were you staying?
  • Who are you standing next to?
  • What were you thinking about?
  • What were you wearing?
  • What were you doing?
  • Who was taking the photo?
  • What were you feeling?
  • What were you doing before the photo was taken?
  1. Show them a memorable photo from a past holiday and instruct them to ask you the above questions.
  2. Ask the class to share a photo of a good or bad holiday they remember (this can be done online, or they can bring a photo to class the next day).
  3. Ask them to look at their partners photo and interview them about their holiday using these past continuous questions.
  4. At the end of the lesson, they must tell the class about their partner’s holiday using the past continuous.


If your class need to review the past continuous please see online worksheets here:

If there are students who would prefer not to share a personal holiday photo, please ask them to select an image from here:

  1. Where were you visiting?
  2. Who were you travelling with?
  3. Where were you staying?
  4. Who are you standing next to?
  5. What were you thinking about?
  6. What were you wearing?
  7. What were you doing?
  8. Who was taking the photo?
  9. What were you feeling?
  10. What were you doing before the photo was taken?

Aim of Activity

30 mins

To develop listening comprehension for travel.

Steps for Students

  1. Click on this link: Activity 3
  2. Watch a passenger checking in at an airport and listen carefully to what he and the airline staff say.
  3. Select the correct answer to the questions.
  4. Check your answers.
  5. Which ones are wrong? Listen again to check for the correct answer.
  6. With your partner create your own dialogue where one of you is a passenger and the other is airline staff.
  1. Click on the link: Activity 3
  2. Explain to the students that they need to watch and listen carefully to someone checking in at an airport. As they watch they will need to select the sentence that they hear.
  3. Before they do the activity, read the questions and multiple-choice answers together to check for any new vocabulary.
  4. After they have completed the activity and checked the answers, assign them into pairs to roleplay the dialogue with one student as airline staff and the other as a passenger.


Ideally students will work on their own devices in small groups on this activity.

Answers provided.

Aim of Activity

30 mins

To connect topic to real life experience and teach vocabulary via a game format.

Steps for Students

  1. Think of some answers to this question (+ be creative):
    What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
    Why weren’t you at school?
  1. Click on the link and continue with this activity: Activity 4
  2. Use the photos to help you and your group create some new answers to this question. The funnier the better but please remember to use the past continuous.
  1. Tell the class that they must think of answers to the question:
    What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
    Why weren’t you at school?
  2.  Write their answers on the board or shared online space and encourage them to use the past continuous e.g.
    I was helping my mother.
    I wasn’t feeling well.
    I was playing football.
  3.  Click on the link and ask them to continue this activity: Activity 4


This activity would work best done as a whole class, with students working in Teams. Give points for the most creative and grammatically correct answers.

Possible answers are:

  • I was playing in a rock band.
  • I was eating fast food.
  • I was swimming with a shark.
  • I was walking my pet rabbit.
  • I was flying a plane.
  • I was driving a fast car.
  • I was riding a camel.
  • I was sleeping (like a baby).
  • I was painting my toenails.
  • I was brushing an elephant’s teeth.

Aim of Activity

30 - 60 mins

To engage students creatively with target language through a joint project or pair work activity.

Steps for Students

  1. You are going to work in groups to create your own comic.
    The title of the comic is ‘My Worst Holiday Ever’.
  2. You must invent their own original story + use the past continuous.
  3. Go to this website :
  4. Click on “Create Comix Now”. (See the attachment for guide how to create a comix.)
  5. Read the comic to your class and roleplay the characters.
  1. Explain to the class that they are going to work in groups to create their own comic. The title of the comic is ‘My Worst Holiday Ever’.
  2. Instruct them to invent their own original story + use the past continuous.
  3. Go to this website :
  4. Click on “Create Comix Now ”.
  5. See the attachment for guide How to create a comix.


Ideally small groups should have their own devices to work on this together.

If it is not possible to use the above site – Canva has some printable options:

There are no answers.

Activity attachment

Guide_How to create a comix